Tuesday 11 April 2017

ASD offers a rewarding learning experience to all students

International education has helped students to know their strength and hence it is important for you to find the best international for your child. Although there are many schools in Qatar but American School of Doha is one of the most trusted International schools in Qatar where your child will receive a world class international education. Our mission is to inspire students to learn new things, engage them in finding solutions to the problems we are facing today and empower them to be the change we need. Our school has the best environment that is welcoming and secure at the same time. We have kept our students as the highest priority and pay full attention towards fulfilling their unique requirements.
International Schools in Qatar4
We at ASD offer the best school facilities so that students can sharpen their skills, master their art and find new possibilities out there. Our school has interactive classrooms, fully equipped labs, recreational facilities, large playgrounds, computer labs, library and other facilities needed by students. We want our students to be equipped with skills needed to stand out among their peers. We have established an environment where all students can learn and grow. The ambiance and facilities we offer to our child will make it a rewarding experience of learning for each child.
Charles Perkins Centre Day One of teaching 6 February 2014

Saturday 8 April 2017

Give your child the opportunity to master their art form by enrolling at ASD

Families are choosing International schools for educating their child because of the level of level of education that these schools offer. Unlike other schools, International schools believe in balancing the academics and nurturing the talent of students by offering fine arts education. That being said, if you are also looking forward to enrolling your child in an internal school with the strong educational background then American School of Doha is for you. We are a progressive school that motivates students to take part in various cultural events and showcases their talent. Students can choose any trait of fine arts and show their talent. We provide the required exposure and platform to the students where they can let audiences know their skills.
fine arts education 1
American School of Doha is an International School in Qatar where knowledge empowers students but they are also fully supported in learning their art. We have hired top professionals who help students master their art and express their artistic qualities in front of all. It has been seen that students who study fine arts as well are much more creative, socially active and can work easily in teams and we respect it with full regards. We always let students follow their dreams and choose a path they will love to walk on. If fine art is your child’s passion then you must register them at ASD.
International School in Qatar 1


Thursday 6 April 2017

Let your child gain 21st Century Technology Skills by admitting at ASD

Technology has changed the way we are living in life. Everyone is using technology in their day to day life; hence it is important that you should find a good International School in Qatar where your child can get a technology aided education. At this point, American School of Doha is the best choice because we use advanced technology to offer students highest quality international education. We want our students to be innovative and know how to progressively use technologies and help in solving complex problems our world is facing today. At ASD, our aim is to develop technically strong but strong individuals who are well equipped with critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
International School in Qatar
We believe that students must be given full access to technology so that they can gain 21st Century Technology Skills and use them into daily learning practices. With the use of technology and skills, they can engage with the communities present outside the school and gain knowledge. American School of Doha value diversity and choices that student makes in terms of use of technology. We support them and offer best facilities so that they can easily get the much need education. Based upon their grades, they are given access to applications and programming languages and supported at all levels by our teachers. Young learners can experiment as much they want with the use of technological tools.
21st Century Technology Skills 2


Saturday 1 April 2017

ASD encourages technology-infused learning for betterment of students

Technology plays a vital role in the development of students. It enables the student to get in touch with real things and learn about them in a much more interacting way. Due to this reason, American School of Doha is come up with technology-infused learning so that students can improve their understanding and acquires new skill set. We use technology in order to enhance the learning process and make it more purposeful and meaningful. We aim at supporting a culture of education where teachers and parents are bonded so that the student can learn the implementation of technology and communicate ideas in digital form. American school of Doha believes that students must be the part of the technology and innovation and hence they must be aided with modern tools and techniques.
technology-infused learning
American School of Doha is one of the Best Schools in Qatar that lays emphasis on learning through exploration. We let students learn from the internet and gather as much information as possible. Making students technology aided prepares them for future and let them get along with the changing world. No doubt technology will advance in coming days and we believe that students must be up-to-date with all the necessary changes of the technological world. If your area also excited about technology infused learning then get along with us.
